Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Winding Down

Well this has been quite the year.  I hope to be better about posting in 2017.  My friend John Arbuckle is an inspiration- He posted over 300 days this year. I will share some journal spreads here to end out the year.   I wish you all a Happy New year.
I also want to share this quote that my friend  Marsha Salyer Jorgenson shared on a post. This is to my dear friends.

"When you find yourself tipped over by the gusts of life;
when you fall to the floor and shatter.
There are those who will walk around your pieces,
lest they cut themselves upon the scatter.
But others will pick up your broken bits,
they'll cherish all they can gather.
These are the ones to whom you must hold on forever -
not those who forsook you -
but the ones who glued you back together"
--- Shakieb Orgunwall

I think we will all need to have plenty of glue handy for each other. Thank you for looking at my art and for your supportive comments.

This is inspired by a song by Active Child.  The song is



Troubled Sleep

We will not be broken



  1. Wonderful, terrific post Terry and what a perfect quote so meaningful for most of us.
    You are a treasure, as all who know you can attest, take good care into 2017 we need your genius to inspire us. ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you dear friend- you have a special place in my heart- love to you.

    2. As John said you get the award for blog posts!!!!

  2. Absolutely terrific! Thanks for your inspiration comment. We both can say we were inspired by Jacki Long who has not stopped blogging every day without fail for one thousand six hundred eighteen days. :-)

  3. Wonderful and inspirational Terry. Here's to a wonderful New Year of change for you and Ron with the move. I do hope it goes smoothly. Let's pick each other up! Cheers my dear friend.

    Love Bri

    1. Thank you Brian- it will be an interesting year to be sure- love to you- Terry

  4. Wonderful work as always, Terry. Wishing you and Ron the best of everything in 2017. I love that poem you shared. May we all hold each other together and in our hearts. Love you.

  5. Love this post. So inspirational and love your art. We all need to be there for another as we make our way through this life.
