These are tricky to photograph and explain but here goes. The first set is the inside of the book I started and Beau finished. So first photo is my start then I show Beau's finish to it and then it standing up- then I move to the backside of the book- once again my start then Beau's finish and then it standing up.
My start to my book inside.
Beau's finish to my book inside.
Finished inside standing up
My start for the book backside.
Beau's finish for the book backside.
Book backside standing up.
Now for Beau's book
Beau's front cover.
Beau's back book cover.
Beau's start for the inside of his book.
My finish to Beau's inside.
The inside of Beau's book standing up.
Beau's start to the back of the book.
My finish to the back side of Beau's book.
And finally the back of Beau's book standing up.