Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Third Post in a month!

 Well- I am trying to be somewhat regular in my posting- but given how short my memory is these days...we shall see.  Thes is one of the card stock house boxes I like to make. The bottom opens up on these. This one is analog- so one of a kind. This is sort of a throw back for me. When I first started to collage as my main form of creating in the late 90s, I used hands in almost every piece ones like that are on this house- those old engravings.  The reason there is a paper clip holding this together is because I wanted to mail this and I can mail it flat if I don't glue the roof parts together. I am calling this one House of Mystery.



Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A record- 2 posts in 2 days!

 Hello All- I thought I would just finish up showing the shrines. So here are the last 5. It is 100 outside right now- way too hot- I feel so bad for the folks that have to work in this heat.

Chadwick loved his flowers and birds.
Zachary was a man of letters and flowers.
Alexander was a master gardener.

Benjamin loved his little neighborhood.

Parker loved his little red house.


Monday, July 15, 2024

The next group of shrines.

 Can you believe it? Another post from me in the same month! Here are 5 of last group of  10 shrines. These are a bit smaller. They are Six inches tall and  3 1/2 inches wide. Some of these have small found objects in them.

Bart was a man of many letters.

Elizabeth missed her pink house.

Percy watched over his neighborhood.

Wendy knew it was time.

Beau had a way with birds and flowers.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Summer in New Mexico

 I am going to try to be better about this blog. I have had people contact me and tell me they only see my work here as they are not on instagram. I don't know why I neglect this blog.  Needless to say- I have lots of work to share. I really don't know where to begin.

I have work in a show right now at Tortuga Gallery here in Albuquerque. This show is called Anything Goes and is a show/sale of work by members of Libros- the book arts guild here in Albuquerque. In August I will have work in a group show at Remarque Print Workshop. The show title is: Inside/Outside  Books Boxes Bags and Beyond. I have made a set of shrines for that show and I will share them here.

These shrines are 7 inches tall and 4 1.2 inches wide.  They are aound an inch deep. I make boxes out of cardboard- I designed the shrine fronts using parts of old photo holders or frames. The people are printed out mounted on cardboard and cut out. There are different levels. These are like a diorama.  I have loved dioramas since making them in 4th grade.

 Raymond always loved the big city.

Franklin loved his little neighborhood.

Casandra missed her little neighborhood.

Elizabeth loved her time in the garden.

Randel had already moved on.

Marc loved his polka dot shirt.

Terrance loved his times at the Palace Club.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Next set of Februllage collages

 Here is the next set of Februllage 2024 collages.


The prompt for Februllage #9 is Wrong-way. I am old enough to remember not having

the navigation tools we have now- back then there were many times we went "The Wrong-Way"!

Prompt #10 for Februllage is Tangle. Background is a gel plate print with collaged figures. I added digital black tangles.

Toxic is the prompt for February 11th for Februllage. There are so many choices for this prompt-Toxic describes so many things happening in the world. In my personal world- the air is of concern as my husband has copd. So we monitor the air quality everyday. There are many days here in Albuquerque where the air is not healthy. Those days we do not hike or take walks outside.



Remember is the 12th prompt for Februllage. This is an analog collage.



Prompt #13 for Februllage is Wolf. This is an analog collage on a printout of a scanned and altered gel plate print.



This is the second collage I did for the Februllage #14 Dream prompt. The background is a gel plate print I made this weekend while teaching my gel plate class. The other elements I cut out and glued on the print.
Dream Bandit.



The 14th prompt for Februllage is Dream. This is a digital/analog combination. The cloud background with the house balloon is digital- printed out and I glued the other images on it.



Februllage Prompt 15 is Play. I had fun with this one. This one is digital.
Barkley & Elliot, the Caffeine Brothers loved being on stage.



Sculpture is the prompt for Februllage #16



The #17 prompt for Februllage is cardboard. Many years ago my husband and I had 2 cats. They LOVED cardboard boxes. They would go crazy going in and out of a box and then turn around and gave us the "What are you looking at look"



I made a second collage for the #17 cardboard prompt. I love this quote:
I feel as though the cardboard box of my own reality has been flattened and blown open. Now I can see the edge of the world.



Februllage prompt #18 is Fake.
This analog/digital combination collage is my take on the prompt. This is about people not being real or honest. You can usually know when someone is being a fake.







Monday, March 25, 2024

Finally a blog post

 True to my habit-I have neglected this blog for so long. Not sure why that is but I have a lot to share- I participated in Februllage 2024.  This was my third Februllage- it is a collage for each day in February there is a prompt for each day.I posted these on instagram as the month went but here they are- I will post several. I will include the prompt and title if there is one.

February 1 prompt: Bubble

Clyde Was In Troubled Waters.

February 2: Prompt: Postcard

February 3rd Prompt: Escape
Ian Found A Way Out 

February 4th  Prompt: Warmth
Elias Could Still Feel The Warmth Of His Home 

February 5th  Prompt: Encounter
The Encounter of Barry & Peter
February 6th Prompt: Treasure

February 6th Prompt: Treasure

I treasure these dear friends. We met online around 12 years ago through art. We have become brothers. We exchange art ,we love and support one another. We all get together every year or two for a week of making art together. We plan to do that this fall. I treasure these men- my brothers my family. I love you John, Brian and Thomas!

February 7th Prompt: Popcorn

I am not sure why this creepy circus scene happened for this prompt

but it was fun.

February 8th Prompt: Ladder

This one has a gel plate background.


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

 I had thought about just closing down this blog as I have neglected it again for so long but some friends asked that I not do that. I will give it a try to post more here. I got frustrated the last time I tried to post a video- it would not let me. I have several videos of late on my instagram (terrygarrett763)

2023 was a very difficult year on many levels. I had many losses this past year. The age I am now I know this will be happening more and while I don't like it- I know this is how it is.

My art was a constant and continues to be my lifeboat especially when  things get rough. I did several terrific collaborations this past year and have some already to go for the new year. I love connecting with people through art. My art groups continue to feed my soul- While I cherish my "Terry Time" in my studio- I do love connecting with people in these art groups. The online collage group I am a member of is wonderful- Luis Martin (the art engineer) started this group. I have some wonderful friendship from members of this group. Luis lives in Brooklyn NY with his husband Elvis. They were vacationing in Sedona AZ in November and drove 6 hours to Albuquerque to meet me in person. That was so much fun.  While they were here they did a video interview with me. Here is a link for that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNb1wY2gz98

Ron and I got the dreaded Covid Thanksgiving week.  That is something I do not want to repeat-we have had all the shots but this still knocked us on our butts for several days.

I will share some art now and describe what you are looking at under each image.


This is a digital collage inspired by a quote of mine- I had forgotten about it and saw it the other day.

These memories are the bricks that have built the house of me. The important thing for me is to keep the doors and windows open to let the breezes of "now" come in.

 This is a digital collage I made for one of the book arts group I am in.  It will be a part of a collaborative book the group is doing.

Yet another digital collage. I actually have done a lot of analog collage in these envelop books I have made. I made videos of all those on my instagram. So these digital collages were a break from fussy cutting for me.


After Hours at the Museum 



I am a part of Luis Martin's CollageDream group. All the images except for the background were from this month's digital elements kit. Like I often do- I altered these and sized them to my needs printed them out and I cut them out to make with analog collage on a gel plate print. This is 9" x 12".

Johnas is writing about his life in the city.


Thanks for having a look. Happy New Year!